Formal Documents

The RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee oversees the implementation of actions in the Strategic Plan.
RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Rivers and waterways are the arteries of our landscape. They bring life to our regions, nourishing ecosystems that in turn provide communities with everything they need to sustain themselves.
In the 5 years since the last strategy was prepared, a number of key changes occurred in relation to the RiverConnect area and its communities. Through discussions with the RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee and key stakeholders, these changes helped guide the formation of the new strategic plan and its actions.
The RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2023-2028 refreshes the focus of the program. This new plan has been developed to reflect the holistic nature of river systems, and the interconnected nature of the community’s relationship with the waterways.
The new Plan outlines several actions and targets under six strategic priorities of engage the community, inspire the education sector, improve health and wellbeing, enhance accessibility and care of the river environment, showcase the river environment, and nurture partnerships and good governance. Each of these priorities are guided by the vision of people, rivers and nature caring for each other. The Plan also outlines several long term goals for 2030 based on the themes of care, access, awareness and participation.
This strategic plan is again not a typical organisational plan, reflecting the fact that RiverConnect is a network of organisations and individuals rather than being an organisation itself. The plan is not a blueprint with every future action fully detailed, however it offers direction and examples of actions.
Extensive community consultation was undertaken during August and September 2022 to gather feedback on the plan. It is then from this stakeholder feedback, partner strategic priorities and available funding opportunities, the RiverConnect IAC will develop annual action plans and corresponding targets.
RiverConnect invites all groups and individuals with a stake in the river environment to be a part of RiverConnect. We are proud to work in partnership to deliver the actions of the RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2023-2028.
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RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2017-2022
The RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2017-2022 has been developed with careful consideration to the needs of the community through extensive engagement. It was endorsed by RiverConnect Partners and adopted by Greater Shepparton City Council in June 2017. This Plan establishes our vision for "Connected people, rivers and wetlands", and purpose "To nurture the community's respect for, use and love of the rivers and wetlands".
It is not a “blueprint” with every future action fully detailed. It is an adaptive plan. Many of these actions will require further investigation to determine their detailed design and feasibility with community and stakeholder engagement. Funding for implementation will be determined by each of the partner organisations through their normal budgetary processes. Levels of activity will be dependent on the overall availability of funding in each organisation and/or funding from external sources.
The Strategic Plan 2017-2022 and Summary Document are now available. Feedback compiled following the consultation period for the Draft is also available to show how community feedback was incorporated or considered in the final Plan.
RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015
The RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2010-2015 was the first plan for the program after it's initial launch in 2005. In the lead up to this document was a focus on program establishment, partnership development and stakeholder buy-in.
The RiverConnect Community Advisory Committee led to the development of this strategic plan. They considered the needs of community based on previous studies, alongside their consultation and knowledge of a range of community issues.
The long-term vision of the plan in which the actions had been implemented was
'Shepparton and Mooroopna will be widely recognised as river towns where features of living here include:
- A thriving natural environment
- A connection with that environment
- A culture that is enriched by the Traditional Owners' connection with the area
People value and respect our rivers and floodplains, whilst using them as part of their daily lives for recreation, relaxation and education. The community, government and land managers, together with the Traditional Owners, work in partnership to protect and enhance the value of our rivers.'
To achieve this, a range of actions were identified under five complementary programs including connecting community, connecting environment, connecting Aboriginal People, connecting education and Communications and Consultation.
This is a strategic plan that establishes a vision for the future, and identifies a range of actions that could be undertaken to achieve this vision.
RiverConnect Paths Master Plan
The RiverConnect Paths Master Plan was developed in 2015 and includes five path routes for implementation. These include
- Route 1 - Gemmill's Swamp to North Shepparton
- Route 2 - Gemmill's Swamp to KidsTown
- Route 3 - The Flats
- Route 4 - Mooroopna to the Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton
- Route 5 - Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton across the Broken River
RiverConnect Paths Master Plan Progress

Since the RiverConnect Paths Master Plan was released in 2015, two paths have been completed.
- Route 3 (The Flats) was completed in December 2020 and included an upgrade to The Flats Walk and seating;
- Route 5 (Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton across the Broken River) was completed in April 2022 and included a large pedestrian bridge across the Broken River, boardwalk beside the Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton wetland and associated shared path connection to Riverview Drive.
These paths were successfully awarded $500,000 in State and $610,740 in Federal Government funding to enable completion.
The next stage of the Paths Master Plan, Route 2 (Gemmill's Swamp to KidsTown) is next to be completed. This path will complete the missing linkage between Shepparton and Mooroopna and will enable safe shared path travel away from main roads.