St Brendan's Primary School
St Brendan's Primary School's reach covers the Reedy Swamp and the forest area west to the Goulburn River, bounded by Wheller Road and the powerlines in the south and Daldy Road in the north. This reach is shared with Notre Dame Secondary School.
Reedy Swamp - July 2010
Please note: Although this information kit is currently out of date, most information is still relevant. Updated kits are currently in development.
20 Oct
Posted 20 Oct 2015
St Brendan's Primary School Grade 3 and 4's ventured out to Reedy Swamp on 20 October to learn about the natural environment based on the theme Inventions and technology.
27 Oct
Posted 27 Oct 2014
St Brendan's love their Reach of the River - Reedy Swamp! Every year, most year levels take a trip out to the swamp to explore and learn. In October this year, the Grade 3 / 4 classes made the trip, to learn about Water Cycles.