Governance Structure

The RiverConnect project has developed clear governance arrangements to ensure all key stakeholders are represented and work towards a co-ordinated plan for the revitalisation of our rivers and floodplains. It not about each organisation working in silos – it’s about working in partnership and with whole of community to achieve shared goals.
To ensure the development of the RiverConnect program continues to focus on meeting community needs and preferences, an advisory committee with representatives from key agencies, community organisations and the general community is used to guide implementation of the strategic plan.
This committee is known as the RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC).
The RiverConnect IAC is supported by many working groups that bring together the skills and expertise of partner organisations and community members. These groups and descriptions are shown below.
RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee: High level strategic forum responsible for providing advice, identifying strategic links within their organisation, obtaining project buy-in and co-ordinating major projects from their organisations’ perspective.
Land Managers Working Group: Land management agencies and organisations who meet to discuss on-ground land management works and progress projects as required.
Communications Working Group: Partner agencies and community members skilled in communication and engagement who meet to effectively design, share and deliver key communication activities of RiverConnect.
Education Working Group: Educators and organisations who meet to network, build knowledge and collaborate to deliver best practice outcomes for students.
Special Project Working Groups: Working groups with a defined life period that will be responsible for developing detailed plans and implementing major projects as related to a specific topic or project.
Broader Stakeholder Group: Electronic communication forum (email, website and social media) to keep stakeholders up to date about the progress of RiverConnect implementation.
Periodic forums: Arranged, on an as-needed basis, to seek community input on key projects as they are developed.
In this Section
RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee
The RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) acts to oversee the implementation of the RiverConnect Strategic Plan to ensure it continues to meet the community's needs whilst delivering on shared priorities.
Communications Working Group
The function of the Communications Working Group is to develop communications, awareness and marketing programs and activities to enable the community to understand the environment, culture and importance of the area and to co-ordinate communications activities between key partners (including community groups) to help achieve the RiverConnect vision and objectives.
Land Management Working Group
The function of the Land Management Working Group is to provide expert advice on public land management issues within the RiverConnect area, share programs and activities relating to land management and to co-ordinate land management activities between key partners (including community groups) to help achieve the RiverConnect vision and objectives.
Education Working Group
The function of the Education Working Group is to develop and co-ordinate educational programs and activities to enable schools and the community to understand the environmental and cultural importance of the area.