Teachers and Educators

Are you and your class wanting to do something to help improve the environment?

Environmental activities that RiverConnect can assist you with include:
- Revegetation (including watering and tree guarding);
- Weeding Management;
- Litter collection;
- Placement of nesting boxes;
- Surveys(flora, fauna and bird); and
- other activities as directed by land managers.
Our ultimate aim is to encourage and support you as teachers, to use the river as an outdoor classroom whether it is Maths, English, Science as well as environmental education. You can keep your classes local - by us offering educational resources here, saving you a trip to Melbourne, or elsewhere to meet your curriculum needs.
RiverConnect can assist schools in several ways:
- RiverConnect VCAL Program for secondary school VCAL classes
- School Requests - for presenters to lead sessions along the river or for ideas on what activities the teachers can run themselves.
- One Day interschool events - education days such as Pest vs Rest for Grade 5/6 students or Environmental Education Day for Secondary School students.
For support material, curriculum ideas or activities please refer to our Educational Resources
In this Section
Forms and Permissions
It is important that educational activities are consistent with existing land management plans to avoid difficulties arising such as students planting in an area that was set down for a fuel reduction burn or weeding in an area just recently sprayed.