
RiverConnect is involved in a variety of projects in partnership with a range of agencies and organisations. Past and present projects RiverConnect has and continues to be involved in are listed below.
Current Projects
Boulevard Bush Reserve Interpretative Signage
The first suite of interpretative signage has been installed at Boulevard Bush Reserve as identified in the sites Environmental Management Plan.
The signage highlights the significance of the area, its history and identifies some of the flora and fauna that can be found within the Reserve.
Easy to read information on 16 species has been highlighted, with all of these featured on kid friendly trail markers.
Roadside signage and cultural interpretative signage will be developed to complete this project in 2019.
RiverConnect Strategic Plan review
The RiverConnect team, assisted by the RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee, completed a review of the RiverConnect Strategic Plan in 2017.
Two workshop sessions were held with IAC and partner agency representatives and community consultation was undertaken.
RiverConnect Short Stories
RiverConnect has been busy producing a series of short films with the expert assistance of Bruce Cumming at Anallergy Productions. The films showcase a range of topics that RiverConnect encompasses including biodiversity, environmental water and RiverConnect itself.
To date, two have been completed and can be viewed below:
• RiverConnect Intro – A unique and wonderful place
•RiverConnect – River Flight – Reconnecting people back to the bush.
Thank you to all who provided commentary and footage in these films.
On-going Projects/Events
Spotlight Walks
RiverConnect host night walks that enable community members to see first hand the nocturnal animals and owls that are found right at our back doors. These walks are held throughout the year at Jordan's Bend and Gemmill’s Swamp. Bookings are essential so please contact the RiverConnect Project Officer at
Clean up Australia Day
Each year RiverConnect and the Shepparton Mooroopna Urban Landcare Group participate in Clean Up Australia Day. Past sites include Tassickers Block, Gemmills Wetland and Reedy Swamp, where volunteers are able to enjoy a FREE BBQ after the clean up.
Australian Botanical Gardens Shepparton
Formerly know as the Kialla Landfill, the Greater Shepparton City Council through the Kialla Landfill Special Committee is redeveloping the now Australian Botanic Garden site. A draft plan has been developed for the site by the Kialla Landfill Special Committee who coordinate a range of volunteers to conduct various on site works. Greencorp, Mission Australia and Shepparton Mooroopna Urban Landcare Group have been involved in revegetation works and it is hoped that the site will link to the existing path network in the future. For more information please visit the Greater Shepparton City Council website.

RiverConnect Canoeing
RiverConnect coordinates canoeing events along different stretches of the Goulburn River at various times of the year. These canoeing events offer participants an alternate view of the river and surrounding floodplain. Bookings are essential, for more information or to reserve your place on this fantastic activity please contact or 5832 9714.
National Tree Day
Each year RiverConnect participates, supports and hosts various National Tree Day events. Many school groups, assisted by community group members and RiverConnect, venture down to their reach on the Goulburn or Broken rivers to undertake planting, while local businesses also get involved in planting at various sites across the region.
Kidsfest is an ever growing weekend during October that sees families from far and wide coming to Kidstown to enjoy a range of activities. RiverConnect participants in this event, hosting a stall featuring FREE interactive activities for children of all ages.
Continued Council Owned Land Site Assessments by Land Managers Working Group (LMWG)
The Land Managers Working Group with RiverConnect continue to assess various Council owned land sites within the RiverConnect project area for cultural, environmental and recreational value. Sites assessed to date include: Kidstown surrounds, McFarlane Road in Mooroopna, Tassicker's Block, Old Kialla Landfill site and Fitzjohn Rd.