Management Plans

Boulevard Bush Reserve Environmental Management Plan
The following documents are relevant to RiverConnect and the Environment.
This plan was developed to improve the quality of urban stormwater discharged into local waterways. It addresses general stormwater issues across the entire municipality, as well as specific issues in the towns of Shepparton, Mooroopna and Tatura.
The purpose of this plan is to provide direction for the future environmental management of Reedy Swamp Wildlife Reserve, with the objective of the protection, restoration and enhancement of the conservation value of this important wetland.
The aims of the Masterplan are to protect existing indigenous vegetation and minimise environmental damage of any proposed works; retain cultural features; provide public recreational access and activities in appropriate locations; and control vehicles at the site with effective car parking.
Download attachments and discussion paper from <a href="">the VEAC website</a>.
The Gemmills Swamp Wildlife Reserve covers approximately 170 Hectares of Goulburn River floodplain forest and wetland adjacent to the town of Mooroopna. The objectives of this Management Plan are to provide habitat for significant wildlife, maintain the current diversity and distribution of native vegetation, preserve archaelogical and scenic values and provide for public recreation.
The intent of this study is to ensure that the ongoing management of Crown Land Parcels located within the study area is appropriate to ensure that all values of these parcels are maintained and, where possible, enhanced.