RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee

The RiverConnect Implementation Advisory Committee (IAC) acts to oversee the implementation of the RiverConnect Strategic Plan to ensure it continues to meet the community's needs whilst delivering on shared priorities.
RiverConnect IAC Membership
- Greater Shepparton City Council
- Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
- Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation
- Parks Victoria
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
- Department of Education
- Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative
- Goulburn Valley Health
- Goulburn Valley Water
- Goulburn Murray Landcare Network
- Goulburn Valley Environment Group
- Greater Shepparton Young Champions
- Community representatives
Current Members
Cr Sam Spinks - Greater Shepparton City Council Councillor, Cr Seema Abdullah - Greater Shepparton City Council Councillor, Andrea Smith - Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, Jarrod Thorp - Greater Shepp Young Champions, Fiona Stuart - Goulburn Murray Landcare Network, Terry Court - Goulburn Valley Environment Group, Jess Reid - Parks Victoria, Uncle Ruben Baksh - Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation, Cheryl Bourke - Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative, Sharon Terry - Greater Shepparton City Council, Joshua Freeman - Goulburn Valley Health, Carl Walters - Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, Jane Roots - Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action, Beth Parker - Department of Education and Training, Helen Murdoch - Goulburn Valley Water, Jay Whittaker - Community Representative, Rod McLennan - Community Representative, Kim Chu - Community Representative, Bruce Cumming - Community Representative, Paul Huckett - Community Representative
Founding Members
RiverConnect originated from community discussions to become a project of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority in 2006. Some of those people involved in its initial inception are pictured below.

ALSO: Rachael Spokes, Neville Atkinson, Wayne Tennant, Peter Howard, Lisa McKenzie, Bruce Cumming, Terry Batey, Greg McKenzie, Bruce Wehner and Lilian Parker.