Curriculum Ideas and Activities

Topics, themes, strategies, activites and support materials for primary and secondary schools.
In this Section
Kinders and Early Learning Centres
Activities in this section are suitable for use with Kinders and Early Learning Centres, but can also be used for early years Primary School.
Primary Schools
This page contains activities suited to Primary School ages, however some may be adapted for Early Learning, or Early Secondary School.
Secondary Schools
Activities in this section are suited to Secondary School Students, however some may be adapted for use with senior years Primary School Students. Please also look at the section labelled Hands on Learning and Project Based Learning for useful projects particularly for VCAL students.
Hands on Learning and Project Based Learning
This section will contain small or large projects which can be adapted to various age groups depending on learning needs. How to videos are currently being developed and will be posted once finished.
Citizen Science and apps which can be used for learning
A lot of Citizen Science apps can be used as a learning tool for school students, particularly where they offer opportunities to learn to identify species and their locations or habitats, and where students can access data to from the app to use for projects.
Competitions which can provide project work
Some online competitions have been released recently which may be used as a learning project or part thereof. And your students could win some awesome prizes for themselves and their schools!
General activities for at home
These activities can be part of learning from home, or just fun things to do!
A list of general creative curriculum topic ideas which teachers can use in their classrooms to inspire your planning.
A list of general themes and concepts consistent with RiverConnect's vision and scope.
Environmental Activity sheets
Activity sheets for schools to use out along the river
Strategy and Activity ideas
Treasure hunts, outdoor bingo, cryptic clues Quizzes, Photography and other curriculum ideas.
Environmental issues
You may wish to investigate the impact of human intervention in your reach. To assist you, this section identifies some of the issues you could consider.
RiverConnect and AusVELS
The curriculum for Foundation (Prep) to Year 10 in Victoria is known as AusVELS. This represents the integration of the new Australian Curriculum subjects into the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS). VELS was the previous Victorian curriculum framework used by schools.
Environmental and cultural events
"What's Out There?" Kit
The Adopt-a-reach "What’s out there?" kit is a curriculum resource which is suitable for Primary and Secondary levels, with suggested learning activities appropriate for a range of standards across different domains.
Nest boxes for wildlife
A range of native animals require the natural hollows that develop in trees and some shrubs for shelter and/or breeding.
Environment Bulletin for School Teachers
These monthly Bulletins inform teachers of upcoming environmental events, training, and other opportunities - for themselves and their students.