Partner Organisations

These organisations are involved in RiverConnect activities and planning:
- Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority
- Parks Victoria
- Greater Shepparton City Council
- Yorta Yorta Nation Aboriginal Corporation
- Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative
- Shepparton Mooroopna Urban Landcare Group
- Goulburn Murray Landcare Network
- Department of Education
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
- Goulburn Valley Environment Group
- Goulburn Valley Health
- Goulburn Valley Water
- Greater Shepp Young Champions
Other community organisations and groups that have been involved with RiverConnect include:
- Activities in the Park
- Berry Street School
- Birdlife Murray Goulburn
- Bohollow Wildlife Shelter and Bohollow EnviroEd
- Burnanga Indigenous Fishing Club
- Cussen Park Advisory Committee
- Education First Youth Foyer
- Ethnic Council
- Fairley Leadership Program
- FamilyCare Disability Support Group
- Friends of Gemmill's Swamp Mooroopna
- Friends of the Australian Botanic Gardens Shepparton
- GV Mountain Bike Club
- headspace
- Into the Wild Education
- Kaiela Arts
- Kiwanis of Mooroopna
- Lower Goulburn Wildlife Shelter
- Native Fish Australia
- Mooroopna Historical Society
- Platypus Conservancy
- Rotary of Mooroopna
- Rotary of Shepparton South
- Scouts Victoria
- Shepparton Adventure Club
- Shepparton Art Museum
- Shepparton Camera Club
- Shepparton Canoe Club
- Shepparton Field and Game
- Shepparton Historical Society
- Shepparton Meditation Centre
- The Haven
- The Lighthouse Project
- Things of Spirit
- Turtles Australia
- Veolia
- Victorian Fisheries Authority
- Victoria Walks