What is RiverConnect?

RiverConnect is a partnership program between the land management agencies, stakeholders and community who use, value, manage, or are responsible for, the river environment in some way.
In the past, the Shepparton - Mooroopna communities’ appreciation of, and engagement with, the Goulburn and Broken Rivers have varied, famously turning our backs to the river. The river systems were largely managed by agencies in isolation, with little connection between these managers or with the community – until the formation of RiverConnect.
RiverConnect is a wide reaching community government partnership program under the auspice of Greater Shepparton City Council and jointly funded by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority. Since its inception in 2005, RiverConnect has been pivotal in building appreciation for the significance of our river environment.
By facilitating effective high-levels of collaboration and co-operation, the partnership model has enabled local government, land management agencies, Traditional Owners, educational organisations, stakeholders and community members to come together to identify and action shared priorities.
RiverConnect invites all groups and individuals with a stake in the river environment to be a part of RiverConnect.

RiverConnect aims to foster the community's love, respect and connection to the river environment through engaging events, collaborative projects and an inspiring education program.
People, rivers and nature caring for each other.
To foster the community's love, respect and connection to the river environment.
Long-term goals
The vision and purpose of RiverConnect will be achieved by realising long-term goals that increase:
- Care of;
- Access to;
- Awareness of; and
- Participation in; the river environment and our shared cultural heritage.
Developed with extensive community consultation, the RiverConnect Strategic Plan 2023-2028 is the third plan for the the RiverConnect program and outlines the focus for the next five years of action.

In this Section
Our Vision for the Future
RiverConnect Vision
Partner Organisations
These organisations are involved in RiverConnect activities and planning: