
The Objective of the ‘Connecting Environment’ aspect in the RiverConnect Project is: To protect, repair, enhance and sustain important river, wetland and forest environments, so that current and future generations can understand and enjoy natural river and red gum forest environments.
The quality, diversity and sustainability of the natural environment in the RiverConnect area underpin its value to the community. These aspects will be protected and enhanced through a coordinated program of land use planning, and implementing agreed developments at key sites including Boulevard Bush Reserve, Gemmill's Swamp and Reedy Swamp.
Vehicle tracks will be rationalised and better managed to protect the area and ongoing controls on rubbish dumping in the area will be a priority. The Goulburn Broken CMA's RiverConnect Waterway Health Activity Plan will guide improvements to water quality, revegetation and control of pest plants and animals.
Implementation of these activities will have a strong focus on providing opportunities for community participation and building in activites that allow the community to learn more about their local environment.

The Goulburn Broken CMA website has information and resources available on the following topics: