Our Vision for the Future
RiverConnect Vision
Shepparton and Mooroopna will be widely recognised as river towns where features of living here include:
- a thriving natural environment
- a connection with that environment
- a culture that is enriched by the traditional owners’ connection with the area
People value and respect our rivers and floodplains, while using them as part of their daily lives for recreation, relaxation and education. The community, government and land managers, together with the traditional owners, work in partnership to protect and enhance the value of our rivers.

Strategic Direction
Engage the Community
Provide broad ways for the community to enjoy, understand and care for the river environment and its cultural heritage.
Inspire the Education Sector
Facilitate opportunities for teachers and students to learn from, and about the river environment and culture.
Improve Health and Wellbeing
Improve the mental and physical state of the community through the enjoyment and connection with the river environment.
Enhance Accessibility and Care of the River Environment
Ensure the river environment can be accessed and enjoyed by us now and by future generations.
Showcase the River Environment
Creatively share the potential of our river environment.
Nurture Partnerships and Good Governance
Support partner efforts and relationships to collectively care for the river environment.
Strategic Direction
Connecting Community
To provide access and facilities, together with activities and information to enable the community to value the river and its environment and visit and enjoy this area as an integral part of their lifestyles.
Connecting Environment
To protect, repair, enhance and sustain important river, wetland and forest environments, so that current and future generations can understand and enjoy natural river redgum forest environments.
Connecting Aboriginal People
To provide programs, activities and facilities so that the community can understand and better appreciate the important historical and cultural significance this area holds for its traditional owners.