Citizen Science and apps which can be used for learning

A lot of Citizen Science apps can be used as a learning tool for school students, particularly where they offer opportunities to learn to identify species and their locations or habitats, and where students can access data to from the app to use for projects.

Useful apps:

iSpy Catchment Creatures - our own local app developed by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

Litterati - collect, record and collate litter, then utilise the data and maps to understand what is happening with litter in your area. Some classes have used this app to make positive social chance in their towns.

Questagame – a game based app which gets people outdoors, looking for wildlife, and recording real data which is uploaded to National and Global biodiversity databases, to help researchers get a better understanding of wildlife populations. Your data is used by real scientists! Could we set up a Questagame COVID19 challenge for Greater Shepparton?!


Frog ID

Butterflies Australia


'How tos' and general information:

Glideways in the Melbourne Ark - Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance

Phascogale habitat and monitoring - Central Victorian Biolinks Alliance