Strategy and Activity ideas

- Treasure hunts, outdoor bingo, cryptic clues
- Quizzes
- Photography
- Listening to the sounds
- Tape recording bush sounds
- Mimes, drama, plays
- Problem solving
- Team building activities
- Crayon and/or charcoal rubbings
- Meditation
- Nature walks
- Map reading/orienteering/ GPS
- Buddies and cross age tutoring
- Phys ed sport activities - Cross country runs, canoeing, orienteering
- Creative writing, poetry and song writing
- Argumentative writing
- Data collection for later analysis eg graphing
- Habitat assessment tools
- Field work, data collection and analysis
- Seed germination and planting
- Habitat restoration – weeding, planting, litter collection
- Art work in the field
- Use of expert resource people.