Environmental issues

You may wish to investigate the impact of human intervention in your reach. To assist you, this section identifies some of the issues you could consider.
Below is a list of issues that were apparent when the RiverConnect Education Coordinator walked around the RiverConnect area in Spring 2007. It is not an exhaustive list but it could be used as a starting point.
Environmental issues in your reach
- Vegetation changes - the need for revegetation, introduced weeds and their control, timber harvesting, mowing river verge areas.
- The role of wetlands in the natural environment and the impact of human activities upon them. (including changing river flow regimes from irrigation schemes, control of inflow from the river, drainage inflow from irrigation and urban zones).
- Water quality - measurement, impact of human activities, water quality improvement strategies.
- The impact of stormwater on water quality.
- River bank erosion and methods of control - revegetation, pole fields, rock fill, concrete slab filling, etc.
- The impact of the straightening of the Goulburn river course with the resulting backwater.(near the library)
- The impact of the flood levee.
- Introduced animals including feral cats and dogs, rabbits, foxes, rats, mice, etc.
- Rare and endangered species (including Squirrel Glider).
- Plant, bird, frog, and other species identification.
- Decimation of native fauna historically by fur trading shooters and trappers and by farmers who considered them pests.
- The impact of changing river regimes (due to irrigation and potentially climate change) on the floodplain.
- The historical significance as the site of the first irrigation system, originally for nearby orchards, and later for market gardens.
- The impact of fire (natural and human caused).
- The impact of river parties - campfires, litter, timber removal.
- Littering and the deliberate dumping of waste, household and garden.
- The impact of vehicles both on and off road.
- The impact of recreational trail bike and BMX bike riding - soil disturbance, gully erosion, building of bike jumps.
- The impact of urban areas beside the river.
- The history of Aboriginal peoples association with the land and their understanding and use of the environment.
- The sustainable use of the environment. What is it and how to achieve it?
- Managing conflict between user groups.