Environment Bulletin for School Teachers

These monthly Bulletins inform teachers of upcoming environmental events, training, and other opportunities - for themselves and their students.

 They also include a lists of relevant resources including web-links, You-tube clips and newsletters.

The lastest Bulletin is available below.


Here are useful resources from the previous Bulletins:

#9 December 2015

#8 November 2015

  • Inspiring Action for a better world – Great 15 min clip with New Zealander Niki Harré talking about her book ‘Psychology for a better World’: Creativity, Cooperation and Open to change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zExibEV_PY#t=132 
  • ‘The Birth of the Brolga’ at Tang Tang Swamp – rare intimate footage of the birth and growth of baby brolgas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N5DsSI_BWo\
  • Junior Landcare Network Newsletter - http://eepurl.com/bvV8dn 
  • People and Parks – The People and Parks Foundation connects people to parks through meaningful and innovative programs and activities which contribute to the environmental, physical and mental health and social connections in our community. Becoming involved with our programs is the perfect way to tune in to nature – to appreciate it, respect it, connect with it and pledge to protect it. http://www.peopleandparks.org/

#7 October 2015

#6 March 2015

  • The film RiverBlue will be screened in Washington in World Rivers Day 22 March then distributed to the rest of the world. See the trailer for this film focused on cleaning up some of the world’s most contaminated waterways. http://riverbluethemovie.com/trailer/

#4 December 2014

#3 November 2014

  • I-Spy Fish App - contains descriptions of 21 native and eight alien fish species found within the Goulburn Broken Catchment and allows users to record their catch. Can be downloaded for free from the Apple iTunes store
  • I-Spy Frogs App - developed in partnership with Museum Victoria, this app contains descriptions and sounds of 20 frogs found within the Goulburn Broken Catchment. It also allows users to record where a frog was sighted. Can be downloaded for free from the Apple iTunes store.
  • Student Voice - a place for both teachers and students to share the perspectives of young people on education and the ways in which young people are being provided with the opportunity to shape and influence their own learning. http://www.studentvoice.aitsl.edu.au/
  • Birds of the Broken Boosey and Whroo Goldfields – this field guide is being reprinted. If you would like a copy, contact Goulburn Murray Landcare Network on 03 5821 3530/ gmln@iinet.net.au

#2 October 2014

#1 September 2014