St Brendans learn about water cycles @ Reedy Swamp

St Brendan's love their Reach of the River - Reedy Swamp! Every year, most year levels take a trip out to the swamp to explore and learn. In October this year, the Grade 3 / 4 classes made the trip, to learn about Water Cycles.
The five Grade 3 /4 classes at Reedy Swamp that morning rotated through several activities led by the RiverConnect Education Officer, Goulburn Murray Landcare officer and their teachers. These activities were: The water cycle, Natures Celebrity heads, Scats and Tracks, Junior Ranger Nature walk, and the Snakes and ladders interactive game.
Quote from a teacher: "Really helped our students to understand important events like the water cycle on a global scale as well as local issues with scats and tracks in the area. (The) Students connected the water cycle activity with the changing state of water from solid to liquid to gas".
Thanks to Lanie Pearce from GMLN and the teachers for leading the activities. We'll see you at Reedy Swamp next year - 3 /4 's!