St Mel's Primary School Biodiversity Buddy Day

On Friday 20 August 2010 St Mels celebrated National Science Week and the International Year of Biodiversity with a whole school ‘Biodiversity Buddy Day’. The students participated in a range of activities throughout the day, investigating the biodiversity in our local environments.
Over the course of the day, each class had the opportunity to visit our RiverConnect site at the confluence of the Goulburn and Broken Rivers. Here students investigated the biodiversity of the river environment by observing macro invertebrates in the water, searching for birds and animals, and identifying plants and weeds.
Our school was lucky enough to receive a National Science Week grant, which we were able to use to purchase materials and equipment such as two way bug viewers that allowed us to spot the macro invertebrates in the water. We found all sorts of bugs, such as water slaters, water mites and water scavenger beetles.
Unfortunately we identified a lot of different weeds, but we were also able to spot lots of different trees, shrubs and ground covers. We were impressed to find the poa grass that the Grade 1/2’s planted last year was still growing. We identified some Silver Wattle trees, but being the middle of the day, we obviously didn’t catch a glimpse of the squirrel gliders that eat the sap from them!
We were also very excited to see how high the rivers were after all the rainfall that we have had. We have never seen them so high. We could still note the difference in the colour of the two rivers, and how much dirtier and turbid the Broken River was in comparison to the Goulburn River.
Students also participated in a range of other environment based activities at school. In all we had a very busy day that was most enjoyable.
Lauren Calder
Sustainability Coordinator, St Mel’s Primary School.