Mooroopna Primary students venture to Chinaman's Gardens

The Grade 2 children at Mooroopna Primary School have been learning about the early history of Mooroopna during term 3.
We have visited the local museums, had visiting speakers, interviewed relatives, dressed up in period dress and played “old fashioned games”.
To finish off the term’s work, we visited our RiverConnect Reach at Chinaman’s Gardens to have a picnic and listen to a local Yorta Yorta Elder, Alf Turner, speak about his early life in Mooroopna. He spoke to the children about riding his bike long distances, visiting his mates on “The Flats” and living with them during the fruit picking times. He also spoke about the swagmen that lived under the bridges along the causeway to Shepparton, fishing and swimming in the river and enjoying the feed of Murray Cod.
He mentioned in those days you could see the bottom of the river, it was that clear. We had a very enjoyable time, with the sunshine out, sitting under the local gum trees.
Robyn Grieve