Celebrating Water @ Victoria Park lake
Secondary School students met at Victoria Park lake on Wednesday 22 October as part of National Water Week 2014
The theme for Water Week 2014 - Water Sources There are more than you think!
Sixty five Notre Dame students attended what is becoming an annual event for secondary school students. A day by the lake, learning about the local natural environment.
Topics covered were: Wetlands, Native Fish, Wildlife Awareness, Water Quality Monitoring. And just for fun - canoeing with River Country Adventours.
Quote from a teacher - "The students have all been very positive about the day and certainly see the lake in a different way now. They see it as not just a body of water but a home for fish and wildlife. It is a place or recreation and activity for people of all ages".
Thanks-you all the presenters who helped out on the day and to the students and teachers who attended from Notre Dame.