Jackson Park
The Broken River stretches 550km from the high country near Mansfield, through Benalla to arrive in Shepparton where it flows into the Goulburn. The murkier waters of the Broken can be seen, swirling through to mix with the Goulburn as it continues north toward the Murray River.

Sketch from 1889 Floods
Main sketch - Flood water near Shepparton
Top left to right sketches - Raiway Bridge Near Mooroopna, Track the flood through the crops, Barley under water, The boathouse at Shepparton.
Bottom left sketch - An incident involving two women.
The Argus Tuesday 13th August 1889
Heavy rain fell yesterday, and in the afternoon there was a hailstorm of great violence, accompanied by a very high wind. The river rose 5ft. on Saturday and 3ft. yesterday, and is still rising fast. The road to Shepparton is again flooded and almost impassable, and traffic is carried on with the greatest difficulty. Yesterday morning two ladies, residents of Mooroopna, drove over to Sheppaton, and were seen returning in the afternoon. At dusk they had not arrived at Mooroopna, and as the river was rising very rapidly and flooding the road fears were entertained for their safety, and it was decided to despatch a search party early this morning. Fortunately, however, this was unnecessary, as the ladies arrived safely, having had a very trying experience in coming through the floods. A Chinese market gardener, in attempting to cross this morning with his cart nearly lost his life. He clung to his cart until he was rescued some three hours afterwards by some persons in a boat. The cart and horse were carried down the torrent, and the horse was drowned.

Gouburn and Broken River Confluence